Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Download Quick Time Player Versi Terbaru

QuickTime Player : rasanya kurang adil kalau QuickTime Player tidak dimasukkan ke daftar file video player, kualitas gambar & suara player ini sudah diakui banyak orang, walau player – player video diatas sudah mampu memutar file .mov, tetap QuickTime Player yang terbaik untuk file .movWhat is Quicktime 7?A powerful multimedia technology with a built-in media player, QuickTime lets you view Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media in a wide range of file formats. And it lets you enjoy them in remarkably high quality.It’s a multimedia platform.Video from your digital camera or mobile phone. A movie on your Mac or PC. A media clip on a website. No matter what you're watching or where you're watching it, QuickTime technology...

Download Software Kantaris Versi Terbaru

Kantaris media player : Kantaris mungkin terasa asing ? tetapi sebenarnya kantaris ini adalah media player anakan dari VLC videoLAN code pembuatan kantaris adalah source dari VLC perbedaan yang paling jelas terlihat dari skin bawaannya saja lainnya lihat menurut kami.Menurut Kami : *kegunaan tersembunyi dari Kantaris adalah download MP3 di internet (caranya ? save playlist dan.. anda pasti tahu). ...

Download VLC Media Player Versi Terbaru

VLC atau VLC media player : video player untuk semua jenis file audio video, dvd/cd player,webcam, streaming, kalau bosan dengan tampilannya silahkan download skin VLC dari sini. lainnya mantap!.Menurut Kami : *VLC perlu ganti skin & VLC sudah termasuk codecs. Description Simple, fast and powerful media player. Plays everything: Files, Discs, Webcams, Devices and Streams. VLC media player is a free and open source media player and multimedia framework written by the VideoLAN project. VLC is a portable multimedia player, encoder, and streamer supporting many audio and video codecs and file formats as well as DVDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols. It is able to stream over networks and to transcode multimedia files and save them...

Download Software KMPlayer versi terbaru

KMP ? KMP adalah Video player terbaik, dikarenakan pengembangannya cukup lambat akhirnya project diteruskan sendiri oleh daum player, tetapi KMPlayer tetap yang terbaik,salah satu kekurangannya belum mendukung file .rmvb, solusinya silahkan download rmvb lite terlebih dahulu.Menurut Kami : KMP layak ada dikomputer/laptop/netbook anda, ingin ganti skin ? KMP+ will provide functions for the users to be able to easily organize and view their Video, Music, DVD etc. stored in their own PC so that multi-media based media hub’s function can easily be provided for the home entertainment composition. - Previous KMP only provided simple functions where users were able to play videos or listen to music stored in users’ PC only. - KMP+, the new version...

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