Free Audio Converter file yang didukung oleh Free Audio Converter adalah AAC, FLAC,M4A, M4B, MP3, MP4, MPC, OggVorbis, Wave, WAV, Pack,WMA,aac, ac3, aiff, ape, flac, m4a, m4b, mka, mp3, ogg, ra, ram, tta, wav, wma .*edit tag dan batch mode (konversi banyak file sekaligus)
Description :
Free Audio Converter supports all popular audio file formats.It converts between aac, ac3, aiff, ape, flac, m4a, m4b, mka, mp3, ogg, ra, tta, wav, wma, and more...It is the best MP3 converter on the net.It creates superior MP3 quality with the help of alternative MP3 LAME Encoder presets: INSANE and EXTREME.This is a lossless audio converter.FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), WAV (Windows PCM), ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec), WMA Lossless (Windows...